Completing and Submitting the BUDMEMO4 for Designated Funds 18, 19 and 59

Designated funds are designed for schools and departments to use for unique, one-time, non-recurring expenses or to defray the cost of unanticipated events. There are three types of designated funds: unrestricted (Fund 18), designated (Fund 19) and non-endowed donor restricted (Fund 59). These guidelines and the attached template will assist program managers with preparing budget submissions for designated funds.

Each Vice Presidential Division will receive from the Budget Office a “check number” that is the total, allowable expense budget (or “spend authority,” including discounting, but excluding transfers and capital expenses) for the upcoming Fiscal Year. Each School or Department should submit a budget to their Vice President that reflects their proposed financial plan for the Fiscal Year that is currently being budgeted. As of FY20, fund 59s are exempt from spend authority and may budget any/all of their available cash. Funds 18 and 19 must still adhere to the spend authority guidelines in budgeting.

  • Operating Expenses

    The Next Fiscal Year Beginning Balance (=Prior FY Ending Balance) plus any approved new Revenue in Next FY must be enough to cover the Total Operating Expenses (including transfers and capital) in Designated Funds. Having the spend authority to budget $500 when the org will only have $100 in balance and $50 in new revenue will not be allowed. Inversely, even if an org has a balance of $5,000 the budget can’t exceed a $1,000 spend authority limit, if that is what has been given to the department.
  • Salary and Benefits

    Designated funds can only contain fixed term faculty or staff salaries, as a designated fund does not provide a permanent, on-going source of funding for staff positions.  A start and end date will be required for all salaries and benefits funded from a designated fund.

    Position control for individual department salary budgets is maintained by the University Budget Office based on your current employees and budgeted vacancies. These details are distributed to each Vice President as requested. For designated funds, you will need to build into the new FY plan any expected increases from these sources, including merit or equity because these are not centrally funded.

    The benefit rates are as follows:

    Salary Category FY 2016

    FY 2017-2023

    FY 2024 FY 2025+
    0100 & 0101 Full-time faculty & Supplementals 23.00% 23.75% 28.50% 31.00%
    0110 & 0111 Grad RA/TA Stipends & Fellowships 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
    0150 Research Staff 23.00% 23.75% 28.50% 31.00%
    0160 & 0170 Employer of Record & Full-time staff 23.00% 23.75% 28.50% 31.00%
    0200 Part-time staff 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
    0220 Part-time students 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
    0230 Federal work-study students 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
    0250 Private music instructors 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
    0270 Part-time faculty (adjunct lecturers) 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
    0300 & 0330 Union & Public Safety 23.00% 23.75% 28.50% 31.00%
    0500, 0510 & 0520 Overtime 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
  • Tuition Discounting

    Enter the amount of funding that will be used from the designated fund for scholarships. This will count against net revenue.
  • Other Expenses

    Enter other expenditures required for the program. Provide a descriptive narrative in the footnotes area located on the bottom of the budget submission form. The types of expenditures categorized as other expenses include:


    • office supplies
    • other materials and supplies
    • postage and freight
    • data processing
    • communication
    • telephone service
    • professional services and consulting
    • advertising and promotion
    • equipment/equipment maintenance
    • hardware, software
    • travel
    • postage
    • printing
    • rental
    • legal expenses
    • memberships
    • insurance
  • Inter-fund Transfers

    Represents the amount that will be used “From” the designated org to fund activities in central university operations or other budget shortfalls in other budgeted funds (i.e. amounts transferred from fund 11 to 19 and vice versa). An explanation for the inter-fund transfer’s purpose should be submitted with the request, including the offset fund and org details.

  • Intra-Fund transfers

    Represents the amount that will be used “From” one org within a fund to another org within that same fund. (i.e., amounts transferred from an org (A) within fund 19 to an org (B) within that same fund 19). An explanation for the intra-fund transfer’s purpose should be submitted with the request, including the offset fund and org details.

  • Capital expenditures

    Enter the total amount of capital expenditures that you anticipate spending from the designated fund. This amount should correspond to the amount that has been submitted on the current year budget Capital Request forms. 

    Capital expense and transfer budgets do not count against spend authority. An adjusted total line will reflect this at the bottom of the BUDMEMO4 template.

  • Revenue - Tuition and Fees, Grants and Contracts, and Other Sources

    This will be budgeted by the Budget Office based on historical amounts, which tie to the overall budget. Please note any significant changes you want us to be aware of when we enter these budgets for you.

  • Instructions for Running a BUDMEMO4

    1. In PeopleSoft, log in to Cardinal Financials
    2. Proceed with the following navigation on the left side menu:
      Reporting Tools > PS/NVision > Define Scope
    3. Under Scope Definition, Find an Existing Value:
      1. Set ID = Defaults to “CUA”
      2. Report Scope =  enter “BudMemo4” for Funds 18, 19, & 59 (Designated Funds) and Funds 29, 55 & 58 (Other Funds) that are budgeted in a similar manner.
      3. Click on "Search"
      4. Once the new screen Scope Definition opens:
        1. Select Value = enter six digit org/deptID number
        2. Click “SAVE”
        3. On the same screen, Click on “Report Request” button
      5. Once the new screen ‘nVision Report Request’ opens:
        1. Under the section ‘Report Date Selection’ specify date = click on “today’s date”
        2. Click on “Save” button
        3. Click on “Run Report” button that appears right above the "Save" button
    4. New screen opens up under the ‘Administration’ tab
      1. Click “Refresh” button to update the screen until report runs and the status is ‘Posted’
      2. Tab down to appropriate report title and click on title
      3. The report will open up in Excel
    5. Enter the budget figures for the Fiscal Year expense and revenue budget under the next Fiscal Year budget column
    6. Make sure you save the file on to your hard drive and regularly "Save" as you are inputting budget figures in the EXCEL template and when input is complete.
    7. Follow the instructions for the separate BUDSMRES report in order to consolidate the totals from the individual designated fund budget memos before sending that file to the Budget Office.
  • Instructions for Running a BUDSMRES

    1. Log into Cardinal Financials
    2. Navigate on the left side menu:

                a. Reporting Tools > PS/nVision > Click on “Define Scope”

        3. In Define Scope screen, set the following criteria:

                a. SetID: CUA

                b. Report Scope: BUDSMRES

                c. Click on “Search”

       4. In Scope Definition screen:

               a. On Scope Fields 1 of 2, Select Value – enter the respective divisional area

                   i. PRESIDENT

                   ii. VP COMMUNICATIONS

                   iii. VP FINANCE

                   iv. VP ENROLLMENT MGT

                   v. VP STUDENT AFFAIRS

                   vi. VP INST ADVANCEMNT

                   vii. GEN'L INSTITUTIONAL

                   viii. ACADEMIC

               b. On Scope Fields 2 of 2, Select Value - enter the fund number 

                   i. Fund_18_19

                   ii. Fund_59

               c. Click on “Save”

               d. On the same screen, Click on “Report Request”

       5. In the NVision Report screen

              a. *As of Reporting Date – keep as “Today’s Date”

              b. *Tree as of Date - keep as "Use as of Reporting Date"

              c. Click on “Save”

              d. Click on “Run Report”

      6. A new window, the Report Manager, will open to provide the BUDSMRES

             a. Click “refresh” button to update the screen until report runs and the status is ‘Posted’

             b. Click on title and the report will open up in Excel

             c. Save or print out the report

    7. The Budget Summaries will automatically provide the division’s list of departments.

    • If a department (deptid/org) is missing, please following the directions below:
      1. In the “ADDED NEW ORGS” section, enter the Org Number and Org Name.
      2. The data will be populated once the org’s BUDMEMO4 tab is copied and moved into the Budget Summary.
    • Please ensure the org # entered and the BUDMEMO4 org # matches. If there is a mismatch the data will not populate.
    • Make sure all macros are enabled in your Excel workbook, otherwise formulas may produce errors.
  • Instructions to COPY and MOVE the BUDMEMO4 into the respective BUDSMRES

    1. Locate and open the saved Budget Summary.
    2. In the same Budget Summary workbook, open the BUDMEMO4 associated with the Budget Summary.
    3. The following are CRITICAL instructions for the data to be accurately populated.

             a. Right click on the BUDMEMO4 tab (Org Number) and select "Move or Copy"

             b. The "Move or Copy" command window will open

             c. In the command window, check the box “Create a copy"

             d. Under the “To book:”, using the drop-down menu, to select the Budget Summary

             e. Select the associated BUDSMRES file by name

             f. Click "OK"

             g. After clicking “OK”, select "(move to end)

             h. Click "OK"

             i. After clicking “OK”, the BUDMEMO4 will be copied and moved to the Budget Summary

        4. Once the BUDMEMO4 has been copied and moved, the total data for each respective column will automatically populate into the “SUMMARY” tab.

        5. Continue with the same process for listed orgs.

        6. Again, if orgs are not reflected, please use the “ADDED NEW ORGS” section. The respective totals will be automatically reflected in the above “Totals” row.

        7. Review the Division Budget Summary to make sure it agrees to your individual BUDMEMO4 reports. If you have any issues, please contact your Budget Office representative.

        8. Please have the VP sign the Budget Summary and the BUDMEMO4 reports as well as email the completed attachments to the appropriate Budget Office staff member.